Château de Bourbon-l'Archambault
The medieval fortress of Bourbon l'Archambault is the birthplace of the Bourbon dynasty and therefore closely involved with the hisotry of France. Despite the damages it has suffered in the course of the pas centuries, it remains one the most powerful and impresive buildings of feudal times in France. The castle, early residence of the noble family Archambault de Bourbon, counted originally fifteen strong towers and served mainly fort military defense purposes, while the dukes and their court preferred to stay in Moulins.
After the 16th century, the castle was abandonned and slowly decayed although a Chapter tooke care of the Holy Relies brought to the Chapel by Robert de France, the sixth son of Saint Louis, king of France.
After the Revolution of 1792, the fortress was confiscated and became the property of the State. It was sold in 1794 and turned into the region's most productive quarry until 1832 when the poet Achille Allier saved the remaing north towers and the adjoining hall from further destruction. Together with the clock tower Qui Qu'en Grogne*, these parts remain the only witnesses of a stronghold that in its days of glory would successfully withstand all attemps of forced access and conquest.
(*) meaning : (built) despite the grumblers.
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