Château de Dinan
The castle of Dinan includes the donjon (14th century), the Coëtquen tower (15th century). The ensemble houses the centerpiece of the medieval walls surrounding the city, Dinan Castle is at the heart of an ambitious project highlighting the remarkable architecture of this princely residence. The building brings together three elements united in the sixteenth century: The ducal tower built in the 1380s and rivals the royal castle of Vincennes, the Coëtquen tower built in the late fifteenth century and the gate of the wicket (thirteenth century). If the Coëtquen tower is a fine example of the defensive works that characterize the end of the Middle Ages, the ducal tower invites you to dive into everyday life and the art of living at the court of the dukes of Brittany. Not to be missed, the impressive kitchens, the exceptional banquet room lit by beautiful mullioned windows, the walkway and the panoramic view of the terrace.
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