Four Solaire de Mont-Louis
From 1947, Professor Felix Trombe went to settle in Mont-Louis in order to build the first world dual reflection solar furnace with his colleagues Mr Foex and Mr Phat Vinh.
The technology of solar furnace has been fascinating the scientific research in the field of high temperature (owing to the absolute purity of solar energy concentration and the total absence of any polluting element) since more than 40 years and has been constantly evolving.
In 1993, besides the scientific research carried out with S.R.N.C, the solar furnace of Mont-Louis is run by the limited liability company "Solar Furnace Development" within the context of the regional helio-parc program. This firm, true to the Mont-Louis pioneer tradition, is the first on earth, to use a solar furnace for industrial and home-made products.
The firing of ceramics ha been the first industrial application which has been launched by F.S.D from 1993 and will be soon added to the bronze or aluminium fusion for usual objects making.
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